
Monday, March 22, 2021

With The Truth

 Adrian Vance

Dear Friends:

For some reason, and without notice of any kind, the powers that be at Google, have locked me out of the editor programs for all my blogs!  I can only suspect they have not liked my politics as the dictators of Silicon Valley profess liberalism as they are wealthy and grappling with guilt for their success. feel it necessary to wail, loudly and longly they are all in for the "little people" who make fractions of what they make for lots of work and risk others have not.  They offer these blogs to us in acts of contrition and I have been a blogger for 20 years! 

So is it wrong to have studied and worked to have the knowledge and skills that are marketable for lots of money?  That it is not is the logic of liberalism!  And, it results in the kind of hate-driven thinking that has caused Google to crush 20 years of work I have done here for very little money for years until they turned it off, but I continued. 

I stuck with it out of habit, but will now go on the free-lance blog road and to the Federal Trade Commission with a well-written complaint, but likely achieve nothing, such is America today.  I could find a  Congressmen to seek revenge unless I am soon informed otherwise at:

Our nation is undergoing a great change now due to what is not being taught as the leaders of the left have found the power they can get from ignorance of the masses so they promote hate and ideas like "reparations" for our having slavery from 1620 to 1865, 245 years.   They feel it is our burden and responsibility to reimburse this generation of "black" people for the crimes of slavery committed from 1620 to 1865, but when we examine reality we find:

The slaves brought here were from a jungle where their lives were very short and miserable.  They had no written language or literature, no math or science.  Living in mud huts and miserable they hated to see another sunrise!  Their leaders were the biggest, strongest men, "might was right" and opposing "the big man" brought a quick death or crippling injury.

Here their life styles and lengths improved greatly, but they were not free.  To achieve that 600,000 men died in our Civil War and 90% of those men who died freeing slaves were white!  Reparations?  Who pays for the white boys who died, leaving their wives and children, to free the blacks?  Who owes whom? 

All the leaders of the Confederate States of America were Democrats.  The Ku Klux Klan of the post Civil War was the action auxiliary of the Democrat Party and if you have any doubt input "Images of 1924 Democrat Convention" to any search engine and you will see hundreds of Democrats in white Ku Klux Klan garb marching down Pennsylvania Avenue in to the Capitol building in Washington, DC with some bearing words we dare not print here and they are not from Donald J. Trump!  He had yet to be born.

If you follow this line of research you will find digital mountains of evidence of the hypocrisy of the Democrat Party and that modern young Democrats have been duped into "Liberalism" which is anything but "liberal."  It parallels precisely with Hitler's fascism and is shocking in this day.

It is this philosophy that guides the thinking and actions of the leaders of Silicon Valley and how they have been duped studying nothing, but computer engineering.  Hopefully this challenge will ignite more action for researching and arming the people with truth.

Adrian Vance


  1. "The farther a society slips from the truth the more it will hate those who speak it." Isaac Asimov.

  2. Thank you for that and while I know some Silicon Valley entrepreneurs who are very successful I have yet to meet one who has his head up his butt like some of these guys. They may think they are doing what they do to bow to the future power structure, as seems the direction today, we can only hope it does not go that way.

  3. Something has to happen to stop this nonsense. Are there no conservative billionaires with a few clever lawyers Willing to fight for what is right? Sheeesh!

  4. There are and be sure lawsuits are in the works, but they take a lot of time and money to prepare.

  5. Sorry you are being kept from doing what you love to do,
    Adrian. Praying for you.

  6. Sorry you are being kept from doing what you love to do,
    Adrian. Praying for you.

  7. Sorry you are being kept from doing what you love to do,
    Adrian. Praying for you.

    1. Thank you for your three prayers, but it seems that the evil forces in Google have gotten wind of me and my conservative ways, are offended by them and sabotaged my access to all my blogs!

      These are all warped young men, awash with success, money and ambition not unlike that of the young industrialist of 1920's and 30's Germany ripe and looking for a "Furher" (father) to lead them to even more money and power than they had found in the post WWI German rebuilding. They will soon realize Biden is in their way, dump him and install Calamity Camala I once spent 40 long minutes on the phone with her trying to interest her of 100 pages of evidence I had developed of the CA Franchise Tax Board. She refused and could not say, "Send it" and trash it as she had to beat me back. She has a problem with men. I published it on Amazon under the title "The Evil California Franchise Tax Board" and it is selling well. I never say die so keep your eyes peeled for my new books or some such...

      Thank you much, JD, it was my pleasure.


    2. Hello again, Adrian. This could be a blessing in disguise so that you can finish your other projects. If you are missing this outlet however, there is always "Gab". I follow the Gabriels of aim4truth there.
      Happy Easter!

    3. It has turned out that way as I have some personal and business tasks that I have let slide to do this, but I do not like Google push me around on this like a ant that came to their picnic. I was making a few hundred Dollars with it letting them run ads, then they stopped that, but I think the business simply died from lack of performance. I have been posting on "WJ" Western Journal and LinkedIn, but only in response to the "global warmers." I'll get my taxes done and write another book, then we will see... Thanks for your attention and expression. Adrian

  8. Hi Mr. Vance,
    I miss your blog, one thing I do every morning is read your blog. Can you use another distribution method, Gab, Pocketnet, Telegram or any others? I see in Telegram and Pocketnet you can get a following. It is not as easy to use as what you have now. I find your information more correct than elsewhere, you can challenge me on the 'more correct', as all the information we receive makes it hard to discern the truth or fact. As we tumble down the self-made hole of truth? to one's destruction may one find a thought, a root, a choice that will fight against this self destruction!
    Patiently waiting for your return and thank you,

  9. Thank you, Rip, for your kind words, but this was inevitable as Silicon Valley is on the same path as the young "Turks" of 1920's and 1930's Germany in protecting their by teaching and enforcing hate for we who dare to question their urges. While they are entitled to protect what they have earned they fail to see the free market is what they are really constricting.

    I have quite a bit of personal business and other opportunities I need to attend to and will be 85 in June so the time I will not spend feeding these blogs will be put to good use. I have two books I really should do and now will have time for them as well as a couple of friends who need help in doing books they should produce. Now that work will be done, but it galls me to have it happen this way. Especially when I know that what is happening in California is only a symptom of the cancer that is now eating our America.

    If you should need to contact me send an email to: or

    Thank you all, Adrian

  10. Adrian
    This is brilliant and I’m glad I found you since Barry’s passing (rest in peace).

    1. Thank you and it certainly was a loss to many, including me, as we had been good friends for over 30 years and I was his regular guest at CRN for over three years, filled in for a week when he had oral surgery so I had a large loss when he died, but at 90 it is something we have to expect.

  11. I had a most interesting and fortuitous thing happen today, July 15, 2021. One of my old, and very appropriate pieces for today and from this blog, popped up in one of my Gmail accounts! This has to have been done by someone on the inside of the Google Works as you have to be in the Editor system to do it, or be one Hell of a good hacker. I know not what to make of it, but it is clear someone at Google is tracking me closely. I choose to be flattered and not paranoid.

    Let it be here known: If they would restore my Blog Editor function, I would pick it up and continue. If they do not I will pop up somewhere else after I get a few things done as I absolutely must write one book and want to do some special audio programs for that medium and I now have two national magazine who want me to contribute to them. Their inquires came in the mail the same day and one is in Florida while the other is a major DC publisher! It is enough to make you believe in astrology.

    Be well and watch this space on occasion. Sincerely, Adrian Vance

  12. Checking in on you July 20, I noticed your last post "I'm back... I think" (posted sometime in late April or early May IIRC) no longer appears here. A sign of more "Editing" by someone else?

    1. I did think Google was lifting the hammer so I wrote them an email thanking them and they did not respond in any way. There are people in Google who know we are in serious trouble and that prices on everything will double within a year with riots in the streets. We do not generate enough electricity to support electric vehicles and our economy as we are already short now. We waste 50% of what we generate in long distance transmission, warming bird feet. We cannot build nuclear power plants in less than 30 years given all the strictures the "greens" got put on them. The Dems see illegal aliens as new voters who will vote in response to "free stuff" they will give them with worthless Dollar bills. We aer in a nightmare from which I see no recovery without a civil war. Take your pick: Die shivering and starving or in the street. Biden is an idiot and Harris is insane as well as intellectually conflicted. I've been on the phone with her and know of what I write. I am consolidating and doing a few things I must while I can before the shit hits the fan. Be well, Adrian

  13. In fact many of the replies from you and others are now missing from this page...

    1. Apparently the "Googles" are watching this blog closely as I got a notice regarding it one minute after I posted my response here! Talk about the Google Gestapo! I had no idea I was a threat to these people! My God, are they nervous! What a way to live! Do they realize they are telegraphing their defeat if we can cause them to over-react this way?

    2. Just checking in on this 20th anniversary of the Twin Towers attack. I was once engaged to photograph them from a helicopter. What a flight! I was in the hands of hotshot, ex-military "chopper" pilot and I wobbled when I got out of that machine. I have no idea how, or why, the Googles are doing this to me, including erasing certain posts. It is all very strange. Ironically, they are driving me back to traditional publishers where I will have a larger, more significant audience. That is why repression always fails. Adrian


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