
Wednesday, September 22, 2021


 This is a test to see if we have been permitted to use our blogs.  I am dubious as all of my emails to Google and Blogspot have been ignored, and I was even polite in them!  Perhaps they think I have died, or something.  Well, I am going to have to get used to this.  I'll be back, I think and hope.

Adrian Vance


  1. Adrian, I hope to hear from you soon. I have patiently been checking every so often. We have missed you.

    1. I have tried to correspond with Google, but they do not respond, I am guessing, as they want to shake down Biden to do their bidding, whatever that may be. As a Conservative I am the enemy. I may set up somewhere else and will make notice here as I have two or three new books to finish.

  2. Thank you for your concern: I have been drawn to other areas since the election and have been thrown a few "bones" by national magazines looking for new ideas, styles and people but nothing has clicked yet. We are in a strange time in media as well as the economy and realty of our nation today. I will keep trying with the Googles, but they are ignoring me to date.

  3. I have been away. Hoping that you will be able to resume your work.

  4. I am going to approach Google one more time as they have locked me out of my 20 blogs in their system, but left them up to collect the "hit" revenue they get from advertisers who put ads on my pieces. They have long stopped paying me thus the reason for leaving my blogs up. If I can get them to relent I will continue setting up new blogs here. If not I will go elsewhere and leave notes like this on my others, but pointing to my new location.

    1. Dear Friends: While I hope to return, I have been busy, but the Google people continue to not respond to my emails. This remains to be no place for a political conservative to make written offerings... Hopefully, Soon.,....


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