
Friday, March 19, 2021

Reagan Haunts Biden

President Ronald Reagan

While few political writers will accuse Joe Biden of having a strategy, without tongue in cheek as they are painfully aware that Joe, who graduated at the bottom of his classes from elementary, high school, college and law school, and with plagiarism scandals to boot, causes serious speculation he will model his leadership after Ronald Reagan, but in a hollow and corrupt way.  How will he do it?

Biden plans to return to the days of the Great Society, with great expansion of the welfare state. He said so in remarks from the White House Friday, celebrating the passage of the  American Rescue Plan Act,  91% of which is “pork” for failed Democrat states and cities.  

Apparently Joe does not understand that this one bill will double the money in circulation and the prices of everything with a year!  Joe has repeated the mistakes of the Weimier Republic of Germany in 1923 where it took a bushel of Mark notes to buy a loaf of bread at the end.  Thanks to Joe Biden we’re on that path so get your baskets ready!

“This is the first time we’ve been able to, since the Johnson Administration, maybe even before that to begin to change the paradigm,” said Joe reaching for a big word, referring to the tax cut model of inflation driven growth aping the Reagan of the 1980s and former President Donald Trump during his Administration. We have to note Trump also used baseless Dollars, but judicially.

Joe rattles versions of the Democrat “Hate the rich!“ battle cry saying “All it’s done is make the rich richer and everyone else fall behind,” and  “This time, it’s time that we build an economy that grows from the bottom up and the middle out.”

 “This law is not the end of our efforts though. I view it as only beginning.”  Joe Biden has promised to make the wealthy pay their “fair share,” arguing “folks living on the edge, they’re paying,” not realizing there are not enough rich people to repair the difference.

The National Taxpayers Union Foundation say, the top one percent of earners in America paid over 40% of all Federal income taxes in 2018, versus 19 percent in 1980 prior to the Reagan Revolution proving that letting “the rich” make money expands the economy and taxes!  But, it reduces the relative importance of government and there lies the rub with socialist Democrats. They want power over people.

The top 50 percent of earners paid 97% of all federal income taxes in 2018. The bottom 50 percent paid less than three percent putting the lie to “…their fair share!”  Those who are doing better, working harder and paying more do not like to be insulted by the likes of Joe Biden.  He is making enemies by the millions who recall the credits and deductions were increased under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 enacted by President Trump and Republicans in Congress.  This will be a leading issue in 2022 and 2024 as Biden is a terminal Democrat with no understanding of economics.

Biden also proudly touted that he was “given the dubious distinction of having to implement the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 back when we came into office, Barack and I,” totally ignoring both grammar and the fact that from the day Barack Hussein Obama was nominated to the introduction of “Bernanke Bucks,” currency printed with no basis, the sale of T-Bonds to verify currency expansion was appropriate: A practice now to be continued by Janet Yellen to further balloon the national debt!  By the time 2024 rolls around the streets will be full of Trump supporters who will not burn down the town, but march for Donald J. Trump.

Adrian Vance


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