
Tuesday, February 09, 2021

The National Defense Civil Rights Save the Planet for the Children Audit Congress Act."


The following is a piece we published in 2013, eight years ago and  we have not received the enthusiastic response we expected from a selected audience, but on reflection, and examination of the economics of the Federal elected ruling class we see the reasons, which we will summarize after the original piece:

"When newly elected Rep. Dennis Hastert went to Washington, DC he filed the required “Net Worth” document for $250,000.  When he left the Capitol 20 years later it said $16 million and soon after he pocketed four million Dollars on the sale of farmland he had recently purchased as a superhighway he had “earmarked” to be built there.  "Glory be!  Money River runs through it!"

The Congressional Hall of Records is a gold mine of information on every member of Congress.  They may come poor, but all go home rich and some very, very  rich.  This stinks to high Heaven; must be stopped and this bill can be the Holy Grail of the Republican Party.

We must write a “The National Defense Civil Rights Save the Planet for the Children Audit Congress Act” because no one dare vote against that title.  It must be simple; call for audits of every elected ruling class person to be done by investigators from their states so they will follow through with home actions and “cut 'em off at the pass.”  (I’ve waited my whole life to write that line.) 

We should have signing ceremonies; let major media photographers in, but no major media reporters.  We’ll issue copyrighted releases to be sure they don’t mess with the copy to invent “pull quotes,” as they have in the past.  Any elected Republican refusing to sign should lose all party support, and there will be a few as all will be one-termers, but let them go in disgrace and suffer a hanging in effigy, the event and not a small town in Illinois of the same name.

We must prosecute and likely convict Dennis Hastert and rather than let him go to Leavenworth Prison, to commiserate with three former Illinois Governors are now in residence, put him in the Bloomington, Illinois zoo which is centrally located and most of the animals are at or near retirement age.  Send them to game farms.

It should be a simple matter to line cage walls with tempered glass or Plexiglas for winter and outfit cages with a camp stove, cot, blanket and pillow, an empty five gallon paint pail for a commode, a bushel of corn cobs for personal sanitation, a small table and folding chair for eating and writing a confessional memoir of how he stole millions of Dollars from the people.

The Democrats will leap on this prosecution like "two possums on a June bug" (Thank you Barry Farber.) without realizing their time is coming as they cannot think of themselves as having done wrong where they claimed good intentions and apologized for their errors.  “Doesn’t that fix it?” they ask as we take them in shackles to zoo cages.  They'll never get it.   We believe this will be a great tool for ending corruption.


We did not get the kind of response we expected, or even any response, to our having FAXed this piece to several prominent Senators and Representatives so we analyzed the situation:

Congressmen are paid $174,000 a year, get free health care and a few other benefits that may bring the total to a bit over $200,000, which sounds grand to most of us, but maintaining two households 1500 miles apart, on average, having a family with 2.3 children, as the census documents, and on, we can see how that is barely enough for doing the work, but like teaching, public service is a calling meant for people who are dippy enough to do it.  This is the key to corruption of the kind that has destroyed every great empire in 250 years.  We are clearly on the cusp of collapse with a national debt that is over twice our gross national product and a crushing burden for our future generations. Nonetheless, we believe an answer lies in this kind of thinking.  "Off the wall?"  Perhaps, but will work!

Adrian Vance




  1. I see that a small bit of common sense has entered the halls of congress. My representative who is Claudia Tenney will be seated in the house. The democrats have called off their Federal judge who was going to look at all of the votes that were not allowed to count. In other words the illegal ones. The only reason that I can see this happening is that Pelosi has found a way to buy Tenney's cooperation. I shall be watching closely.

    1. Right, but this is going to take a major effort by a lot of people because the criminals have both power of position and money. This is the issue that has defeated every great empire in history.


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