
Sunday, April 16, 2017

A Site Report

Adrian Vance

The time has come to make a site report as strange things are happening.  Russian readers are now often half our readership; occasionally more! One day they were 90% of it and put our numbers through the roof!  I am expecting to see two guys in suits, brown shoes, wearing hats, pull into my driveway in a four door Plymouth, flash FBI ID and one asks a lot of questions while the other man watches silently.  I am familiar with these guys as I have been through this several times having published and programmed a few things they wanted to know about.

I have no idea why Russians are interested in this blog, but they are. I will not speculate on their reasoning, but the last time it happened I could understand it as I had done a captioned filmstrip series that was very popular with their chemistry teachers.  My language was terse and all in chemistry context so they could read it, much as we can both read German chemistry text.

The Russian government had bought one set for which my royalty was about $20, and made 25,000 copies for all their secondary schools in violation of the copyright, but they do not believe in them. Their teachers liked my films, wrote complimentary letters to me through Britannica and I responded to every one at a significant loss, but felt I was doing something good internationally.

Meanwhile I was recently notified Facebook had closed my account, "...for security reasons."  I am sure it was because I have been using it to promote my "CO2 Is Innocent" paper that features the demo-experiment showing CO2 does not heat the atmosphere in any concentration.  We increase it 500 parts per million, ppm, per step in the demo and as we near 10,000 ppm the temperature declines!  This is per the Le Chatelier Principle which Dr. James Means, a hired "denier assassin" claims has nothing to do with it.  It is highly likely he complained to FaceBook.  So I'll pick up some other social venue as there are about 100.  Given the time Jim spends stalking me I am probably his only income source. (note: Yesterday Facebook put me back on line, I am hoping after a rasher of complaints.)

If I had access to a professional educator's materials library I would not be surprised to see Le Chatelier, as applied to gases, has been removed from all physics teaching texts so deep is this scam.  Dr. Means is surely aware of that fact as the ink is still drying on his Ph.D. sheepskin.  This man jumps on me like a possum on a June bug wherever I publish and you can see examples of his attacks on the reviews of "Vapor Tiger" at or in the Comments section for "CO2 Is Innocent" at where he appears undercover as "Anonymous."  I recognize him as his language has a particular style, as do all people.  If I have seen three pieces by anyone I will recognize their writing.

The anthropogenic global warming scam is dying and I can see all the signs like a bull in the "muleta," small cape, final phase in the bull ring.  The promoters mistakes are becoming more obvious as they continue to tell them and that we are clearly in a cooling cycle is becoming more apparent.  However, I fear for the outcome as my campaign to put my demo in front of 548 men and women with physical science and engineering credentials on LinkedIn produced only one positive response, a "thumbs up" figure, and five angry ones accusing me of everything from being a "Russian" to insane, but none claimed the demo did not work.  

A few challenged me with Hansen quotes about "forcing" and "feedbacks."  My responses that "forcing" would require tiny pilots or Divine Intervention and "feedbacks" would make a perpetual motion machine possible were not responded to.

I am not sure these people believe the nonsense of a one-way molecular shield at 60,000 to 100,000 feet where molecules are so few and far between.  Molecules have to be in contact, as in a solid or liquid to form a reflective surface. If such a shield were at 100,000 feet the sky would be black as no sunlight could pass through unless this thing is a one-way window which would be a first in physical science.  And, an elaborate explanation would be required.

Do we have two generations of ignorant scientists and engineers or are they all dishonest?  Either way is a great tragedy for America and the world and I am not sure how it will be resolved.  I am afraid we are looking at something completely without precedent in the history of America if not man.

Adrian Vance

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