
Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Oxygen Therapy

Oxygen Therapy Chamber

In 1931, Dr. Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize in medicine for work showing cancer is caused by a lack of oxygen in cells. He stated in his book, “The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer”  “The cause of cancer is no longer a mystery, we know it occurs whenever any cell is denied 60% of its oxygen requirements” And guess what?

There is documentation and proof showing oxygen therapy works going all the way back to the late 1800’s. You may wonder if the treatment for cancer is so easy why have we not heard about it.

The answer is simple: Doctors and hospitals can’t make any money out of oxygen therapy.  You can rent an oxygen tank for a few bucks, inhale it over several days and this literature says you will be cured! 

Is this yet another part of the corruption in medicine?  Now 1/5th of our economy when it should be much less! Why does hip replacement surgery cost $134,000 when it takes one hour in the operating room?  Why are CEO's and Presidents of "Non-Profit" organization hospitals paid $1 million a year salaries and they appear to do nothing, but beg for money while their office staffs make out ever larger bills? 

Regular readers will recall my cataract surgery bill controversy in the "Remove Do Not Replace" piece, which I believe is the answer, but there are other components:

The multi-million doctor error lawsuits have to be regulated.  We all die and the only question is when.  If it happens to the bread-winner of a family we can calculate what is needed.  If it was "poor old uncle Buck" who lived alone and the money would go to young people, some analysis should be required as such money, like lottery winnings, is not often handled well.  There is much to be done and we could make a good beginning with oxygen therapy.

Adrian Vance

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