
Friday, September 16, 2016

He Said He Was Born In Kenya!

Mr. Trump has been verbally flogged by the likes of Chris Matthews, who has never interviewed anyone he could not interrupt, over his having been a "birther," one who believes Mr. Obama was born in Kenya.  Let us take testimony from the finest authorities: Mr. Obama, Mrs. Obama, his grandmother and several officials in Kenya:

We cite these videos as we expect Mr. Obama to try to extend his term of office to that of his life.  It appears the evidence of Mr. Obama's foreign birth and allegiance to Islam are well documented and that nothing has been done about either of these issues because of the profound corruption of our government and the grip of "political correctness" wherein you may never question anything a "black" man says.  He is really not black.  All his freckles are connected and he deserves the respect that comes with full citizenship by answering the same questions as us "white" folks.

The people who really run America decided Mr. Obama was someone they could control to their advantage and that is the foundation and driver of his tenure.  When they found he has a mind of his own and a socialist, if not Communist, agenda mixed with a good measure of Islamic doctrine, they did not know what to do, think or excrete.

Ancillary to this issue is Mr. Obama's allegiance to Islam, which if taken literally, seriously or "conservatively," meaning inviolate, is a religion of conquest by whatever means necessary with death to the non-believers if they will not convert to said faith.  Islam is incompatible with any other religion or culture.  It exists to make war and kill whatever or whomever gets in the way of world domination.


This is a man who is dangerous and should not have been President in the first case.  Nothing he has done has been legal and all of this evidence needs to be tried in the Senate or a court if we are to have an America that abides by our Constitution.  There is little doubt we have had illegal governments in the past, but there is no way we can survive with the depth of corruption the people now in power thanks to traditional media.  Our only hope is for new media to enable a revolution without bullets.

Adrian Vance

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